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In my book I discuss possibly the worst effect our ego has on us – namely that we are more often than not completely indifferent towards other people and living creatures’ suffering. We are even able to systematically ignore suffering, as the ego in us sabotages simple charity and empathy. Our ego prevents us from helping those less fortunate than us because it convinces us that they are dangerous or facilitate their own situations. The truth is it doesn’t have to be this way – we can all make a big difference.

I will share a dream I have with you. I wish to establish a charity that relies on a network of people that give of their time and skills instead of money. This project, called Give Back, will be launched in fall 2016.

GiveBack will be a community of people who have the choice what they would like to contribute. Things such as laundry, legal aid, hairdressing, financial advice, coaching, cooking, homework, visiting, reading aloud, or simply facilitating a romantic date or a child’s birthday party. The aim is to work together with various charities in our immediate area, and I will personally contribute by doing all administration for free. I welcome anyone to copy the concept and implement it in their immediate communities. Everyone who participates in this inspiring network chooses how much time they want to contribute. Do you have one hour per month to spare for others? One hour per week? Because you meet your beneficiary in person, you will see the difference your time will make to their lives first hand. I can feel the pure feeling of happiness inside when I think about the difference this initiative could make. Are you in?

Please contact us.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop